Mt Cook and Lake Pukaki

Mt Cook and Lake Pukaki
December 2012

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

RHAPSODY (Ride Around Puget Sound)

I am a bit behind on the blogging....
The day started with the alarm going off at 5am and matt heating up his buckwheat pancakes in the microwave. Once he was fueled up we were off to the starting line. My friend Erin came along to keep me company and help cheer on Matt. We thought while he rode his tail off we would have a relaxing day hanging out around Puget Sound...boy were we wrong....but more on that later.
We met matt at the half way point (90 miles) in Shelton. He was tired but doing well. He was the 6th person to make it that point. There were only about 40 riders doing the ride in one day so he didn't encounter many people on the course. About 350 people were doing the 2 day route. Matt loaded up on more cliff bars cytomax and he was off for another 80 miles. Meanwhile, Erin and I hadn't had any coffee yet so we were desperately looking for a Starbucks on our way back to Tacoma. We pulled off at an exit in West Olympia and noticed that the electrical on the car seemed to be dimming and Erin said it felt kind of funny in 5th gear. We decided to go get gas before Starbucks and ask where the nearest garage was. While the car was filling up, Erin and I prayed. We tried to start it up but no luck. I asked a guy if he knew how to push start a car and if he'd help me push. Still no luck. We prayed some more and I called my dad since matt was riding and didn't have his cel phone on. Just then, I realized there was a tow truck getting fueled up. I thought whoever was driving that might be able to help us out. I went into the gas station and guessed correctly that the bearded, heavily tattooed man with profanity on his Tshirt was the driver of the tow truck. He was very friendly and suggested that it was probably the alternator. He gave us a jump and we were off to the garage. I ran in to see if they had time to look at the car while Erin kept it running. The man said he couldn't look at it for at least a few hours and didn't know if he would even be able to work on it. I explained that I needed to pick my husband up at the finish line in less than 3 hours and he made a few phone calls and found a guy just down the street that could help us.
Amazingly, the other place had the in and out(it was the alternator) in about 1.5 hours. Thankfully, there was a mall right next store so we finally got some coffee. We actually made it back to Tacoma in time to greet matt at the finish line. He was the fourth rider to finish. Unfortunately we only took video footage so I don't have a picture but he was VERY glad to be done. He said it was mentally the hardest thing he has ever done...harder than the marathon, more difficult than the STP (which was 30 miles longer), and more strenuous than an elusive fantasy football title in his rookie season. Imagine that!
Anyway, there were a few more challenges along the way but this is already way too long of a post. We were so thankful for everyone's safety that day. The Lord totally took care of us.
GOOD JOB, MATT!! I'm proud of you!!!


Abby said...

Good job Matt- and that does sound like an adventure Kristi!!

Matt and Brianne said...

wow- what an adventure for both of you! (Bah, cars!!) Glad it all turned out good in the end. :)

Erin Bowden said...

Kristi, my favorite line of this ... your correct assumption about the bearded, heavily tattooed man with profanity on his t-shirt :) But he was our angel.

I was missing you guys, so I visited you via your blog ... and my heart has been warmed. You are currently unblocked in China - I hope that lasts.

Unknown said...

Kristi- I don't have your email address! So leaving a comment instead- haha. Just wondering if any of my tricks worked for your sink? Ooh, how I hate smelly sinks!
Hope you're having a good week!