Mt Cook and Lake Pukaki

Mt Cook and Lake Pukaki
December 2012

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Cat Sheow!

Matt here...Kristi let me write about one of my favorite topics...cats. We went to our 2nd ever Cat Show on Sunday with Bendrea. If you haven't been, you are missing a good time. For $3 and 2 cans of food for the homeless, you get some serious entertainment. Many breeds of cats are there to see...Bengals (shown above), Abyssinians, Burmese, American Shorthairs, British Shorthairs (see below).
Unfortunately for their owners, cats like to get out of their cages at the first opportunity and hide under the tables that their cages are on. When this happens, the announcer yells, "Cat Out! Please keep all doors closed." You can imagine the drama, can't you?? Everyone stands still and raises their hands if they see the feline fugitive. When they find the little guy, the announcer joyously yells, "Cat Got, Cat Got!" Everyone sighs a sigh of relief and the show goes on after much laughing and clapping.
Did you know that a fresh cake is offered on the hour for the attendants?? Unfortunately for the cats, the judging involves a little too much poking and prodding for their tastes. One cat gave several warning hisses and cries before they took a swipe at the judge who was trying to extract him from his cage. Ah, the stories (and scars) that a veteran judge must have. If you enjoy cats at all, look for the next international cat show at a 2 to 3-star hotel near you!


Monica said...

So sorry Oscar and I missed it!

Ben said...

It was the best time! Now I just randomly yell Cat Out!! For the heck of it!

Abby said...

I can't imagine being surrounded by so many cats....interesting...

Unknown said...

Guess what! I'm getting a cat for my birthday. It's my consolation prize for turning 29 and unmarried. I'm toying with names such as Vanna, and Barker. I will look for the cat show, to help my cause.