Mt Cook and Lake Pukaki

Mt Cook and Lake Pukaki
December 2012

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The tree...

Matt and I have been debating about whether to get a real or fake tree this year...Matt doesn't really like the idea of killing a tree even though he knows that is why they were planted. I don't like real trees because it makes a mess in the house and the needles can wreak havoc with your vacuum cleaner. We both enjoy the scent and look of a real tree though and want to support the local economy...So what do you think we decided on? Please disregard the ribbon at the top of the tree. We need a tree topper...
Olive's favorite place is in front of the fireplace. She will lay there for hours. Notice what is sitting on top of our mantel (yes, that's right, it's the white elephant gift from Friday night)


Abby said...

Did you support the local economy by going fake and then lighting a pine-scented candle of the scent? I actually can't tell but if I was to guess I would guess fake because it looks so good!

Abby said...

OK who are the 4 stockings for? You, Matt, the cat.....and ?

Kristi said...

Delores-Matt's mom spends Christmas with us every year so she has a stocking too.

Andrea said...

Wherever did you find such a fabulous tree? Best-looking tree I've ever seen!